Saturday, February 10, 2007

4 steps to get anything you want!

"Okay, I´ll show you something really powerful."

"I guarantee, if you use these four steps, you will get anything you want!"


"great, Let´s go!"

1. You have to decide what you want.
Sounds obvious but most of the people are thinking of things they don´t want:

"I don´t want to have these bills" or "I don´t want to get cold" or "I don´t want my car to break up"

Thinking like this will bring you "bills" and "colds" and you find your car breaking up from time to time! You are thinking what you don´t want and focusing on that. But you know universe, God , higher power(anything you prefer) doesn´t care whether it´s "good or bad" for you. It creates anything you think of.

So you have to get to the point where you decide to have things you like and love!

You have to say: "I want _______amount of money!" I want to have perfect health" I want new car ________(model, color etc.)

2. Set intention to have what you want.

Say to yourself "I am going to have this and in fact I already have it"
If you stay on step 1 you are only a dreamer! You have to declare you will have what you want no matter what!

3. shh...Listen...

Listen to your inner voice...It may be hard to hear first but it is there...And it will ALWAYS lead you to things you want.

Just listen...You may hear something like: "Go and google about it" or "go and buy that book" or "go and have a long walk" It can be anything but no matter how small it may seem it will lead you to what you want! It´s a chain reaction that will not fail!

4. Act upon our inner voice!

I have been there... Most of us have dreams of what we really would like to have but they will stay dreams if you don´t act upon your intuition!

And you must act now! there´s only now! Do what your inner voice tells you! It may seem hard to start doing but start anyway! It may seem impossible to get what you want but start acting anyway! You don´t have to know how things you want come to you! You only need to act and someday soon you will have things you want!

That´s it!

Go and make most of your life and remember:
If you listen to your inner voice and act upon it you will never go wrong!


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