Saturday, February 3, 2007

What If there was no such thing as money?

I know this will upset some of you (I´ve tested this out already) but I´ll do this anyway...

Here we go...

"If your only motive in any business is only getting money, I think you are lying to yourself."

Let me ask you: "If There was no such thing as money, what would you do?"

Would you keep doing things you do now or Would you do something else?

What I mean Is: Do you want to spent 90% of your life lying to yourself?

If you keep doing anything only to get money you can never give your best. Only thing you have in your mind is to get more money!

I must ask you:


Even if you have 1 billion dollars and you are not doing what you REALLY like and love, you have not achieved anything! You are only a liar! (sorry about my attitude but this is the truth)

What I suggest everyone to think about my question and then honestly answer it.

If you would keep doing things you do now, that´s great!

If you would do something else, I ask you: why aren´t you doing it right now?

Because when you begin to do things you like and love everything you need magically shows up, even money!

So, if there was not such thing as money, what would you do?


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